China's "common prosperity" Drive
The US rhetoric on China is based on a bipartisan condemnation of the country’s human rights record, unfair trade tactics, military assertiveness, and authoritarian rule. Reports from Xinqiang of the treatment of the Uighurs, accusations of dumping, the Belt and Road initiative, cyberespionage, aggressive posture towards Taiwan, and electronic surveillance of its own people appear to support such a view. The fact that China is the only country in the world to have eradicated COVID-19 through often ruthless methods involving forced isolation, draconian lockdown of whole regions, and cutting off almost all connections with the rest of the world, only corroborates this overall picture of a country that does not respect individual freedoms, and is pursuing world dominance through a variety of commercial and military tactics. But this is a picture painted in far too broad strokes, unable to identify the fine grain of what is under way in this huge country. China emerged from WW2 with a...